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What is elder care mediation in California?

On Behalf of | Feb 16, 2022 | Concord Probate & Estate Administration Law Blog |

Elder care disputes may arise among families in California. When they do, you should find the best ways to deal with the issues quickly and effectively. One such method is using a mediator. Here’s what you need to know about elder care mediation.

What is elder care mediation?

Elder care mediation is a process where a neutral third party helps families, caregivers and their loved ones resolve disputes about elder care. The mediator basically gives the disagreeing parties a platform to talk about their disagreements in an effort to determine the root cause of the problem, and then the mediator guides them in deciding on the best solution that satisfies everyone. Common issues resolved through elder care mediation include:

  • The best place where the elderly person will live
  • The financial and medical power of attorney
  • The party responsible for paying the care needs
  • The caregiver you want for your loved one

Tips for a successful mediation

Put the best interest of the elderly person first. What would be best for the elderly person? You may have a different opinion or desire for them, but what’s important is focusing on what would be great for them.

Remember that every party believes they are right. Elder care disputes arise when every party thinks their position is the right one, but to have a successful mediation, you have to be realistic with your wants. Think about the party who’s likely to win if a resolution isn’t reached and you have to go to court.

Be persuasive about the merits of your position. Try to make the other party see sense in your argument. With the help of your attorney, use the right approach and delivery during the arguments to sell your points.

Mediation is often one of the best ways to resolve issues because it is less costly and time-consuming than going to court. Remember to work past your anger and prejudice to find a solution that’s right for your loved one.
